X-Men: School Daze

2179 2 years IN: Heroes

In X-Men, we'll see Professor Xavier's school. The place is where young people with a gift gather to expand their powers. Every day they train hard to learn, however, every now and then this group of friends just wants to have fun. Women are very horny, wanting to fuck with friends. So Scott, Wolverine and everyone else decide to give them what they want. After class everyone gets together and has an orgy. Even the school teacher surrenders and participates.

X-Men: School Daze X-Men: School Daze X-Men: School Daze X-Men: School Daze X-Men: School Daze X-Men: School Daze X-Men: School Daze X-Men: School Daze X-Men: School Daze X-Men: School Daze X-Men: School Daze X-Men: School Daze X-Men: School Daze X-Men: School Daze X-Men: School Daze X-Men: School Daze X-Men: School Daze X-Men: School Daze

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