There's a fox in the henhouse

17408 5 years IN: The Hillbilly Farm , Tufos
The Hillbilly Farm: There's a fox in the henhouse In this episode of The Hillbilly Farm "There's a fox in the henhouse", Mrs. Yokel is crazy for fucking but Mr. Yokel can't get excited this night. The insatiable woman sucks Mr. Yokel's penis but nothing can get the man aroused. The hick alleges to be exhausted because he has worked all day but Darlene has waited for him all day to fuck her nice and good. Pissed off, the woman goes to sleep desiring sex. In the middle of the night, the couple is awakened by cackling noises. Check out more The Hillbilly Farm stories. Mr. Yokel thinks Darlene is making this sound but the man realizes it can be a fox attacking his hens. The woman does not care and stays on the bed. But the man grabs his gun and goes to the henhouse to find out what is going on. There is no fox in the henhouse but Mr. Yokel ends up getting trapped inside... now who will visit Darlene Yokel and give her what she really wants? Click here and see the full story on the official website.

There's a fox in the henhouse There's a fox in the henhouse There's a fox in the henhouse There's a fox in the henhouse There's a fox in the henhouse

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